No set-up fees
There are no fees to set up your business on Cookaborough. Our team will support and work with you to get you up and running at no cost to you.
No lock-in period
There are no lock-in contracts or minimum commitments. You are free to stop using the platform at any time without incurring exit or penalty fees.
We want you to thrive
More than just the platform
NDIS & HCP orders incur an additional 2% + GST fee due to the in-built functionality that enables these two segments to be serviced easily by local food businesses. We also provide specialised, high-touch account management to help you connect with Care Providers and Plan Managers, which will result in you finding new long-term, high value customers.
Orders from customers who connect with your business via Cookaborough’s ‘Find-a-Cook’ directory will incur and additional 2% + GST fee. We provide and invest in marketing the Find-a-Cook directory as an optional service to businesses on Cookaborough. Consider it a way to find new customers without having to invest in your own marketing and advertising.
If a customer is paying via the invoice feature or they have been set-up as a cash customer with direct debit as their method of payment their orders will receive a discount of 2% + GST. This is in recognition of the transaction not insuring any third party transaction fees that are included on Credit Card transactions.

Claudia, Dinner is Served,
Byron Bay NSW